Friday, 29 March 2019


For today we were wrting a compound sentenc. There are 4 thhin that are in a compound sentnce. Fan boys, conjunktions simple sentce. We had to make a sentce that make sence with a fan boy. All the fan boy are and, so, yet,nore,but,for,and,or.
We had a google doc that we had to write 5 sentce about how  that can make sence with a fanboy. 


For today for math we went out sied to hit 20 tensi ball.  each. We had to see  if we got 20 balls hit. We could not hit it  vertelcai we could only hit horilzontill. We had to see if it was 2-0m 14 pluse 2-4m 4-6m 6-8m 8-10m 10-12m 12-14. We had two people to tell us to see if it was a 14 pluse.


 For music we learn how to play the Instruments. We all had to take turns to share the instrument. We all had to play on keybord or Nickelodeon excitedvon. We had to play the so it can sound better.  We all had to play at same time so it sound better. We all like to play the painoor everbody likes the panio.

When it pass 10 mintis its time to switch instruments so everbody can on the panio so its fair for everbudy to play. When people are on the paino they have free time play because they would had headphones.

We each get truns to play so the people on the nukealady can move theri finger on a diffrent chord.


For today we writed a poem about fleeling to deal with it. I wrote about happy to not to be angry and rageing because happy is about respect people be confidence and have a conversation.   we coldoint say this happy is happy or angry  is angry. We all had to preform to talk about our poem about fleelins.

We had to be confidence use a clera voise do an icontac  exspretions. We cold read it on the chrome book or just read it with out a chromebook.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

kiwi can

For today we went to kiwi can. . Our theme  today was positive relaship. We had to talk to the other peson besied us to talk about our theme. After that we got in to a game called last man standing. We all had to walk around. If a techer names out a name we all had to try not to get tag by the tager.

After our game we talk about friendship. We had to talk about what is friendship. We had to talk to our buddys what is friendship. Friendship is like letting them in and dont tell them to go away.  Then we leran how to include people. Include people meens that you can include them and they can include you. Then we played secret cards. We all had to had a card to read it if its bad or good.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019


L.I. This week for today we read  book our bodies. We had to find key words. We had to summarise our key words and write what page and what it was  about. We had to write the first sentence that we put in. We had to read the heading so the book tells us what it is doing.

Why our bodies help us.
Our bodies help us because  we can pull, we can push, we can pat things and we can clap all together. Our bodies are so important because if someone says sit down you sit down quietly. If someone say stand up you stand up quietly. If he says walk out you just walk out.

Friday, 22 March 2019


This is my art work. On wensday in ls2 we doing art. We first had to get a paper and skech it around the apple dark  so  that you can see it. After that we were to going to do our real art.  We had to green white red brown yello  purpil dark green. We had to draw it with  pastel so we can see the colors.

kiwi sports

LI. when i was in tanifa i had to stay in te roto. I could not go in pawereor if i had the ki to scoore. If i was ke o ma i will  stay in te ao  to scoore a point to hit the tupu We had to rip there tags off if your in tanifa or ke o ma. Kiteake had to doge the ball if it was ke o ma or tanifa, they pass it to there team to touch a  pu to scoore in pawereor.

Rhyming words.

Today we are learning about rhyming words that are same as a paten or like shapes. We had to find the vaule soung and a consonance. We had two highlghter and a sheet to find out if it was alliteartion, assonance, consonance. We had to highlite.

Friday, 15 March 2019


This week we learn about tally and  axis graph. A tally is like when says a number you write a line that how many time what number you say. A graph is like how many people who has ried a bike or who went to camp and who been at the  movise. We had to see
what was the most out of people.

We had to do our tally first inn our  math book to get to one hundred. If you dont get it to one hundred then you restart. When you get to one hundred you go on your graph.We learn a lots of things about math like ranger difference lowest highest. Our tittle was tell what the graph.

This week for today we maed our games. We had to get a Equipment like bibs cones holay hoops eggs spounsn frizbe fox tails. We had to set it up so we can eplane what the rlose   are. You had to throw the fox tail and try to run to get it back for a point. We had to try evry ones games but our one was not crear

Thursday, 14 March 2019


This week we learn about abuse. There was 6 abuse  called sexal abuse and  not abuse  neglet abuse. Then when he going to read the qwetions you have  to go to a spot  that what you think. If you pick the midel you pick two  choise you can pick not abuse or  neglet abuse.  you have to give a reson why you chose it. 

Then this one we had to lisen becuse this one will be eays to chose.Then we said thank you to him because his activity.

This week we leran about thesaurus. Thesaurus can tell you what is the same as and  the opposite.  The same as  of corret is perfec. The oposite of  corret is bad. we had to filled up ech words that we write. Then when you finsh you put the picher  of the same as or the opposite.

kiwi sports

lI.This week for kiwi sports we leran how to play the full game of ki o rahi. How  we played is we had two teams called ki o ma and tanifa. Ki o ma has a   a red tag, tanifa  has a  yellow tag, there were two kiteaki and a kicker. 

There was a ki  the seven teeth and te roto, te ao  paweo ice bridge  te ara. then we started the game, both team has to work together to rip the other teams tag. We had to rip there tag off if they had the ball. It was 1 to 14 tanifa had 1 point to ke o ma had 14 points. 

We had so much fun out there because we had a great time and it was a great time.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

kiwi can

This week at kiwi can we learnt about coperation.Coperation meens that is taking part. We had to share  understand of working as a team.    Then we play a game called comad. How this game work is as a team one person from your group a leder comes up to ms mak. After that  the leder from your group tells what to do as a team, if your team wins                          you get 1 point. 

Friday, 8 March 2019

Good bad

LT: This week we learn a about good or bad. good thing that are good is working all together and helping people or cherry them up. Bad things  is like  taking about them and not helping them. 

Thursday, 7 March 2019


LT- lrean the role os ki oma.
This week we went to kiwi sports. we learnt how to play ki oma.1 member in te marama of kioma is a kicker. They ahd to kick it to kaitiaki, if it rolls taniwha gets it.If they catch they catch it then ki oma get it. if kaitiaki catch it they throw it  to ki oma in te ao. Then kitiaki enter and exit pawero through te ara.